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Davos 2025: Everything You Need To Know

Writer's picture: Jon ThomasJon Thomas

Updated: 8 minutes ago

Davos 2025 – where technocrats vow to rescue humanity and build utopia, but beneath that thinly veiled benevolence, they're just orchestrating our collective doom from the luxury of five-star suites and an open bar.

The agenda's true colors are as clear as day. We can spot the storm of control looming on the horizon.

We watch as they knit a web of surveillance and erode the very concept of freedom itself.

In order to do so, they dangle some illusion of sustainability, as a distraction from their financial stranglehold.

Of course, this impacts the lower and middle classes, above all.

Overall, it's pretty easy to see…

Yet, despite the growing crowd of skeptics, these audacious deceivers remain unfazed.

To them, spinning lies is as routine as drawing breath.

It's an interesting view inside psychopathy, don’t you think?

Now, it's true, their talking points are as predictable as ever; we've heard them all before, but each one serves a purpose.

Remember, it's all about constructing this new world order, more specifically, a new economic order.

To achieve this, essentially, you can distill their plan down to a few key narratives and agenda items.

Climate change, digital ID, central bank digital currencies, censorship, and artificial intelligence.

Now, those branch out into a vast array of mechanisms and frequently overlap.

But individually, each one serves as a means to nudge the world closer to a total surveillance state and embed us within a global government framework.

But it always comes back to those main categories.

And every year, they return to the Swiss Alps to push for them.

Together, those five initiatives would weave a world where every breath is monitored, every thought recorded, and every action is cataloged.

As I said, it's veiled in benevolence, but in the end, if they get their way, their grip would be as strong as the mountain itself.

So, don’t fall for their little tricks.

Why don’t we kick things off with climate change and get it out of the way because, honestly, it’s the most irritating one.

So, why is climate change such a pivotal part of the entire agenda?

Well, it has a domino effect across numerous areas. It's essentially the linchpin from which all other authoritarian initiatives stem – a sort of anchor for the whole system.

First, one of its key features, frankly, comes straight from the Edward Bernays propaganda playbook – as it manufactures consent.

For the best explanation, we can trace this whole thing right back to the Club of Rome, where it all began.

They released "The Limits to Growth" back in 1972 – this was the initial blueprint for Agenda 2030.

And then as a sequel – they released “The First Global Revolution” in 1991.

And on page 115 – they give it away. A sort of elevator pitch for gaining silent dominion over our collective fate.

They describe their plan to unite humanity with a common enemy. That common enemy is humanity itself, and the ploy, is climate messaging.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

As it turns out – it was pretty clever. So many have swallowed that narrative hook, line, and sinker.

Most people don’t even think twice about it. They just believe it all. Everything from overpopulation and viewing humans as a disease on the earth, to carbon taxes and surrendering autonomy.

They’ve convinced them to give up personal agency, to allow politicians to dictate what food you can buy or what media you can engage with, convinced them that free speech is a threat to democracy, and that to have security, every movement should be tracked and monitored by the government.

Hell, some are perfectly fine with social credit scores, for God's sake.

People seem to accept all that comes with this digital prison, all because of that climate change narrative.

They are the problem, they're told, and if they just give up all these freedoms, the weather might improve.

Yeah, this is how they coax individuals into a state of de facto servitude.

It's absurd, really, but that's the reality we're in...for now.

The narrative has been effective for a long time. For decades upon decades, they've been planting seeds of fear in the public consciousness, warning of an impending global catastrophe.

This fear-mongering has led to a populace willing to trade liberty for the illusion of safety and environmental salvation.

You see it every day, individuals willing to give up their future for what's claimed to be the "collective good."

But in reality, it's not for that at all, it's merely a ruse to make you relinquish all your power to corrupt politicians.

I want to reiterate a few points because the more you think about it – the more absurd it becomes.

The idea that human activity is solely to blame for climate change has been used to justify all sorts of intrusive governmental controls, from dictating dietary choices to monitoring daily activities.

The promise of a 'greener' future is dangled like a carrot, convincing many to embrace a life where every aspect, from what they eat to where they go, is under surveillance or regulation.

This long-term strategy of fear and control not only shapes public policy but also molds public perception, making the populace more compliant to these draconian measures.

They figured out a long time ago – control energy, control human beings.

It’s the same tired playbook every damn time. It's all so tiresome.

In their eyes, fear equals currency.

Always remember that.

Now, let’s get into the latest iteration of their scheme.

First up, we have Børge Brende, this guy took over for Klaus Schwab as President of the WEF.

Yeah, yeah. Hottest year on record, a lie, by the way.

But he even tosses this in here too – “hey, you never know – maybe we’ll have another pandemic too.”

Globalists tend to use fear like compounded interest.

But it’s the same thing every year.

Now, of course, they couldn’t push fear, without the pre-eminent fear merchant, António Guterres.

Antonio Guterres, says "13 of the world's biggest ports for oil supertankers will be overwhelmed by rising sea levels, which are caused by rising temperatures, which are overwhelmingly caused by burning fossil fuels. Our fossil fuel addiction is a Frankenstein monster."

Ah, the Frankenstein monster, huh? Are you afraid yet? Afraid enough to give up your rights?

Well, don’t get ahead of yourself, 'cause they brought out another well-known fear merchant, Al Gore, and he’s still performing his usual schtick.

Claiming that climate change is the equivalent of 750,000 atomic bombs.

Even at the end, he sneaks in a justification for open border policies. And guess what that justification is?

Climate change. Of course.

Climate migrants, he says.

See my point?

These narratives are all-encompassing and often intersect with different parts of the agenda.

However, all these ideas stem from those central themes we discussed earlier.

Let's dive into the real motive behind the climate change narrative, which is, unsurprisingly, the construction of a new economic system.

The strategy involves shifting to a carbon-based currency system. It's quite logical if the aim is to control people, given that everything we do produces carbon.

It basically gives them the ability to restrict your actions across the board, with no way to escape it.

Climate change serves as the vehicle for this economic overhaul. It provides the public with a reason for the change, a beacon to follow, albeit a misleading one, but it also enables a global shift in currency systems.

Very sinister, yet very cunning. A recurring pattern in their schemes.

Fortunately, their execution is clumsy, and every day, more people are waking up to what's going on.

If they were truly great with their execution of this plan...

Well, at that point, we'd be in trouble, but that’s not the case.

So, we got lucky in that regard.

It's pretty wild that so many fell for it though. Especially the environmentalists. It’s a lofty idealism combined with a limited perspective. Got their heads in the clouds, man.

For example, they host panels at Davos on “monetizing nature” every year, and it's an abomination. Anyone that believes themselves to be an “environmentalist” should be ardently against this corporatist agenda to subvert nature for profit.

Well, I guess it's really leveraging nature against humans for the purpose of liquidating their personal wealth via taxation, but I’m pretty sure my point still stands.

Anyway, here’s the President of Singapore, telling the WEF, he wants to put a price on everything in nature.


As Truth Stream Media put it...

“Now the gleeful commodifiers at WEF are championing 'water credits' and 'biodiversity credits'. These people want to use climate to justify inserting middlemen between humanity and every aspect of nature. If they could charge for oxygen or stargazing at night, they would.”

They are 100 percent right.

Alright, up next, we have the head of the EU – reinforcing the “monetizing nature” plan.

We’ll get to the Trump speech at the end, but he did withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords, again, and it was a hot topic at this year's event.

Ursula Von Der Leyen was particularly displeased and mentioned it a few times.

"Decarbonizing, nature credits, economic degrowth, and the circular economy, she claims these are the best shot for the global agenda, and the reason?

Well, all together, they usher in a new form of government.

Have you ever laid eyes on the proposed global governance structure?

Yep, the one-world government, managed by the UN and central banks, with organizations like the WEF and the Council on Foreign Relations near the top. Policy would be rolled out by NGOs and corporations, pretty much what they've been up to for years now.

Nations are seen as policy enforcers, so national sovereignty goes out the window, leaving you at the very bottom.

Yes, you're the policy subjects.

She also brought up the circular economy. It's just a fancy term for 'you'll own nothing and be happy'.

It's all about the renting economy – no ownership.

Sounds awful.

But that’s the gist of it. They're crafting a regulatory noose that chokes off your future, leaving you high and dry.

Did you catch how Ursula Von Der Leyen outright lied about natural disasters too?

Take wildfires, for instance. They create a problem either through apparent incompetence or intentional sabotage, you can decide which camp you're in on that one, then they leverage those crises to push for absolute control over individuals. It's diabolical.

They're even exploiting climate change as a pretext for massive social engineering, nudging the population towards behavioral changes.

This guy right here, William Marshall, the CEO of Labs, wants to invoke behavioral changes in the masses so they fly less and stop eating meat.

Now, naturally, none of this applies to the rich, because they want to create carbon markets in which rich people can simply pay a fee directly to the govt and continue living their lavish lifestyle.

They call it “offsetting carbon.”

It's a classic two-tier society. They spin it by saying, "Hey, poor people can sell their surplus carbon to the rich!"

So, you could be living in a shack, no frills whatsoever, saving up your carbon credits, to then sell them on the market to someone like Bill Gates or Selena Gomez so they can jet off to Italy and pick up some Balenciaga bags or whatever the hell they’re into…

Sound good? Of course not.

Alright, you get the picture.

Let's move on to digital ID, where plans for censorship and CBDCs loom large. Keep in mind, these three are intricately connected, all hinging on the digital ID system to exert total control over our lives.

Why don’t we start with this EU Commissioner talking about his plans for a digital ID system throughout Europe - a move that could well be the linchpin for a new era of surveillance and control.

So, by 2026, just one year from now, they're aiming to have biometric IDs logging your every move, at all ports of entry, all airports, and undoubtedly all businesses in the future.

You know, he sells it under the guise of convenience, but beware, because at some point, the convenience you once demanded will become mandatory. For everything.

Why do I say that? Well, here's the kicker.

Digital ID is the backbone that ties your everyday activities directly to the prying eyes of the government.

In a bit, we'll watch a clip where the head of the European Central Bank practically claims the government will safeguard your privacy.

But here's the reality – the government is the biggest threat to your privacy. Full stop.

Digital ID is the dark heart of our modern dystopia, the core of a massive surveillance system, silently collecting your personal data from government files, shopping habits, location tracking, and to monitor social media as well.

It's also going to be woven into the fabric of smart cities, notably within the C40 city agenda, ensuring you're always under watch, no matter where you go.

This ID links straight to your finances too, enabling the government to levy fines and deduct them directly from your account for any so-called violations.

It's a digital leash, that comes with an ability to drain money from you, at the flick of a switch.

It's a chilling prospect, this omnipresent oversight, but I would like to focus on censorship for a second though.

The EU's blueprint for digital ID mandates a chilling integration with social media, explicitly aiming to destroy anonymity.

This system ensures that any speech deemed unacceptable is immediately tethered to your real identity, enabling swift, direct punishment under their subjectively enforced speech regulations.

With the EU's subjective criteria for what constitutes misinformation, the potential for exploitation is real. In fact, it's expected, and we’ve seen it already. They’re tyrants. It's on full display. No need to sugarcoat it.

So, in this new paradigm of control, those who dare to voice dissent or challenge authority could be systematically targeted, deplatformed, or worse.

Take this speech from Spain's Prime Minister as an example…

"We are ALLOWING people to roam freely on social networks."

What a crazy thing to say…


Digital ID is the first step the Chinese government took to build the social credit system.

Europe is trying to follow suit. It’s the same playbook. This entire agenda is based upon an obedience or compliance spectrum. And the punishment is baked into the very foundation of it.

But, believe it or not, that's just scratching the surface.

It gets much more sinister when you mix it with the Internet of Bodies and transhumanism.

In the end, years from now, they want everything connected to a single IMPLANTABLE device that will hold your digital identity, health data, and programmable CBDCs.

Your digital identity, in turn, will include everything that can be known about you through surveillance via implanted biosensors, your computer, smartphone, GPS, social media, online searches, purchases, and spending habits.

Algorithms will then decide what you can and cannot do based on who you are, and the thing is, they will know you better than you know yourself.

However, let's move on to the head of the European Central Bank.

Recently, she attempted to debunk "conspiracy theories" about digital ID and CBDCs.

“As if Big Brother were going to determine what you buy, when you buy, and how restricted it should be...”

It's almost comical because that's precisely what they're doing. Global leaders are quite open about it.

First example: Here's the head of the IMF discussing how they can track every dollar in circulation.

Okay, so they've got the capability to track everything that happens in the global economy, right down to individual purchases.

Nothing surprising there; that's the blockchain.

The next level of surveillance involves carbon. They aim to monitor carbon emissions on a personal level.

To achieve that, they need constant, 24/7 surveillance of nearly everything you do.

Enter the individual carbon trackers.

High carbon output equals higher prices.

But it also provides a sort of plausible deniability.

This plan would discourage you from buying certain items while still maintaining the illusion that you have the freedom to buy whatever you want – without mentioning that their carbon-based variable pricing essentially removes your choice.

“Oh, you've exceeded your carbon limit, so that steak is now marked up to $100 – maybe you would like to substitute that with cricket protein?”

That sort of thing. The higher prices won't impact the rich, though, will they? Exactly.

Another example of a two-tiered system.

This ties into that clip I showed earlier - where they're discussing methods to force behavioral changes to deter people from buying meat.

This is the mechanism: measure carbon emissions, and if you're over the limit, you can't purchase certain products, or they are priced out of your range, essentially removing the option entirely.

Simple as that.

This is why they're in love with the "programmability" feature of CBDCs; it allows them to monitor and restrict your purchases based on your behaviors.

It would most certainly be a "darker" world.

But the head of the EU dismissively says, "as if Big Brother wants to do that."

Well, that’s the entire point of this agenda. To do exactly that.

In summary, if we can steer clear of the digital ID system, we can sidestep many of the dystopian features of their "new society." The entire foundation of their proposed system hinges on this aspect. It's central to the whole surveillance control network.

Avoid digital ID and (possibly) avoid the techno dictatorship.

Let's move onto free speech and how Europeans just don’t seem to understand what it means…

First, let's look at Germany where Scholz claims, SCHOLZ: WE SUPPORT FREE SPEECH, AS LONG AS WE AGREE WITH YOU.

You have free speech, unless it's something we don't like, or it opposes our political agenda.

Okay then…

Leaders in power across Europe are clearly demonstrating to the world - that they have no idea what freedom of speech really means.

Let's swing back to Spain's Prime Minister for a moment...

He's calling on the world to rebel against "a threat to democracy," namely Silicon Valley.

And the truth behind it seems painfully obvious.

When Silicon Valley were acting as petty tyrants, censoring information at the behest of the government, they were hailed as the "pre-eminent" protector of democracy.

I.e., Bureaucracy.

But now, with free speech slightly on the rise again...

They claim Silicon Valley is part of a technocratic caste system. Ironically, that's precisely what these globalists are aiming to build. It's as clear as day.

That's not to say Silicon Valley isn't perpetuating a techno-caste system though.

My point is that you can see they're shifting their stances solely due to the realignment toward free speech.

It's not coming from a place of principle. Instead, it's just another manipulation.

The sole reason they resist free speech, or even a hint of it, is that free and open communication empowers people to swiftly oppose their initiatives.

The free flow of information and free speech are obstacles to their schemes of control.

That's it.

So, in an effort to convince the gullible that speech is dangerous, they've been placing misinformation near the top of the Global Risk Report. This has been the case for years.

According to these people, the most threatening thing in the world is speech.


Now, let's move on to the Trump speech.

First of all, there was a definite vibe shift this year. So much so that many of these speeches were given to half-empty rooms, a stark contrast to previous years.

I think they can see the writing on the wall.

Globalist bureaucrats know they're defeated, and in fact, openly admitted it.

It's true. There's a massive divide happening worldwide, and the US is at the forefront.

I know there are plenty of skeptics regarding Trump's agenda; not everyone shares my view on him.

And that’s fine, no worries.

I'm not trying to convert you to my way of thinking.

In fact, you skeptics keep me on my toes. But you can't listen to his speech without feeling, at the very least, a little sense of satisfaction.

He didn’t stop there. Donald Trump announced to the World Economic Forum that he has frozen foreign aid, halted climate change policies, and declared America a free nation once again.

Trump pledged to end government censorship, secure U.S. borders with military forces, and bring the Ukraine-Russia war to a close.

Additionally, he confirmed that his administration is eliminating all DEI policies.

"What the world has witnessed in the past 72 hours is nothing less than a revolution of common sense."

Having the US withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords and the WHO appears to be a good initial step.

However, I cannot emphasize enough that this must only be the start. The connections and infrastructure for implementing this global agenda run deep; they are entrenched in every institution and spread through the networks of NGOs and corporations.

As an example, the recent revelation about USAID's funding of shady projects, essentially serving as the covert arm of the global establishment, proves this to be true.

Here's my optimistic prediction: we're essentially establishing a control group against the European Agenda 2030.

Once the people of the world see the US reaching new heights, while they remain mired in an economic degrowth scenario, the entire structure will collapse.

They'll see their hefty taxes siphoned off to corrupt bureaucrats, yielding nothing in return.

And then, with some poetic justice, the winds of revolution will sweep through Europe.

But to wrap things up, let's focus on the opening statements from Davos 2025. They're quite revealing.

Klaus Schwab actually started things off by singing the praises of the Chinese Communist Party.

This shouldn't come as a shock seeing as Klaus Schwab and the Davos crowd openly talk about how China is a model for the world.

Klaus Schwab just wants to globalize the Chinese communist system – as he's always been in awe of their authoritarian grip.

And it's the ideal blueprint for managing a technocratic society, too.

Hell, he even bragged about helping develop their control system over the last 30 years.

Remember when the WEF put on an event called "The Great Narrative"?

In response to the growing backlash, the WEF threw an entire event just to cook up the "storyline" and messaging for their global agenda.

Subtle as a sledgehammer, if you ask me...

"To swallow and follow, whether old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind."

That quote still rings true.

And the WEF is placing a heavy bet on that weakness.

I don't think it's working out for them though.

Their narrative is about as convincing as a politician's promise during election season.

Every day, more and more people are recognizing the story line for what it is...a lie.

But that didn’t stop him from pitching the great narrative again this year…

There’s a reason as to why he chose “the Great Narrative.”

It's derived from the French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard. He called it a "metanarrative," and it functions to legitimize power, authority, and social customs.

And that's exactly what the Great Reset was trying to achieve.

Anyway, on the opening day, one of the major themes included all the perennial liars mourning the loss of public trust. And it's true. They've lost it.

Man, these people are either incredibly stupid or incredibly short-sighted. Maybe both. In one breath, he claims they need to regain trust; in the next breath, he blames populism.

Failing to see that populism is the exact result of their lies. People caught on. Trust is never coming back.

Klaus Schwab was especially disturbed by the lack of trust, especially as we enter what he called the “intelligent age.”

These people are beyond delusional. There is no way for the WEF and global political class to "regain trust."

Once that trust is broken, it doesn't come back.

You might remember this from Davos 2021...

Ngaire Woods said, “The good news is the elites across the world trust each other more and more. The bad news is that in every single country they were polling, the majority of people trusted their elites less.”

Yeah, as you can see, they’ve been worried about this for years, and they’ve done nothing to instill trust since then. Nothing at all.

Klaus also admitted that people have existential fears about the organization. And rightly so. Their agenda would alter life as we know it.

They openly discuss policies that would strip us of basic human rights, dissolve national sovereignty, abolish private ownership entirely, making it impossible for people to own cars or homes, dictate what we eat by pushing us toward unhealthy protein alternatives like freakin' bugs, and then there's the radical transformation of the human genome via genetic engineering, the Internet of Bodies, and transhumanism.

One of their objectives is to herald a new era of humanity.

From Homo sapiens to what they call Homo Deus. A new entity. Merging man with machine.

However, to finish up, I'll leave you with this...

On the opening day of Davos 2025, Børge Brende, who took over for Klaus Schwab, claimed that we're between world orders, claiming that we're in some sort of transition phase.

But here's the thing.

I'm optimistic that as we emerge from the "old world order,"

That the "new world order" will embrace populist and libertarian ideals. We're trending in the right direction.

I hope to see centralization and dreams of global hegemonic power defeated.

I truly believe we're at the precipice of a new era, but the future hinges on the decisions we make today.

The 4th Industrial Revolution will be profoundly disruptive, transforming every aspect of our lives.

And we don't need to reject technological progress, but we must guide it toward the betterment of mankind, rather than letting a select few at the top sacrifice our humanity for greed and control.

Not an easy task - I know. But it's possible.

The truth is, we're in one of the most consequential moments in human history, and every move we make will have drastic consequences for our future.

We must ensure we stay on the correct path.

Back in 2022, Klaus Schwab proclaimed, "The future is dictated by us – we few in this room."

Well, at Davos 2025, he gave the same speech. "The future does not just unfold. The future is shaped by us, and particularly shaped by us here in this room."

When he says the future is shaped by us…he means the global elite.

And they’re all about to find out that's not true. At all.

To the contrary, and through evidence, I argue the future is dictated by us, the people. We can avoid the dystopian nightmare that they've been planning, and it starts with rejecting their agenda outright.

All we have to do is:

  • Embrace humanism over transhumanism

  • Individualism over collectivism

  • Free speech over censorship

  • And national sovereignty over global governance

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